Providing innovative solutions, sound technical knowledge, and constant development for complex automation requirements.


MiniCODERS and Wheels

Small, flexible, and without integral bearings.
For high-speed applications.
Low wear and maintenance free.
Incremental rotary encoder
Configurable rotary encoder
Testing and Programming Unit
Sensor test device


Precision Target Wheel
photo of precision target wheel ZAN-ZAX

Incremental and Absolute Encoders

Combining magnetic measuring systems with robust mechanical design.
For applications under extreme ambient temperatures, humidity, vibrations, and condensation.
Incremental rotary encoder
Incremental rotary encoder
Incremental rotary encoder

GEL 219

Incremental rotary encoder
Incremental rotary encoder
Incremental rotary encoder
Magnetic Incremental Encoder

Magnetic Sensors

For heavy-duty applications
Speed sensor


UL-certified positioning system symplifies format changes in packaging machines